1:1 In the beginning God created the Isaiah 45:18 For thus saith the Lord "In the beginning" (reshiyth) "In the beginning" /
heaven and the earth. that created the heavens; God him- The first in place or time, appears There was a beginning for the univ- /
1:2 And the earth was without form, self that formed the earth and made to refer to the beginning of the erse! The universe is not of infinite /
and void; and darkness was upon it; he hath established it, he universe. age with which most scientists agree. /
the face of the deep. And the created it not in vain, he formed it It was created by the only eternal /
Spirit of God moved upon the face to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and "God" (elohiym) supreme Being for His pleasure and /
of the waters. there is none else. The supreme God(s), the plural, app- it was created to be occupied and /
1:3 And God said, Let there be ears to refer to the multiple, triume dominated by thinking reasoning /
light: and there was light. Revelations 4:11 Thou art worthy, O nature of the Godhead, the Trinity. creatures of his creation. The /
1:4 And God saw the light, that it Lord, to receive glory and honour Genesis record is very brief, but /
was good: and God divided the and power: for thou hast created all "created" (bara) takes into account the very basics. /
light from the darkness. things, and for thy pleasure they To form, make, produce, appears to Time - "In the beginning" /
1:5 And God called the light Day, are and were created. imply making from nothing, an act Space- "the heaven" /
and the darkness he called Night. performed only by God. Matter- "the earth" /
And the evening and the morning Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the Lord, thy Force- "the Spirit of God" /
were the first day. Redeemer, and he that formed thee "the heaven" (shamayim) Motion- "moved upon the face" /
1:6 And God said, Let there be a from the womb, I am the Lord that Lofty, appears to refer to the entire /
firmament in the midst of the maketh all things; that stretcheth universe beyond the confines of earth. "without form and void" /
waters, and let it divide the forth the heavens alone; that spread- The record starts with an earth that /
waters from the waters. eth abroad the earth by myself; "earth" (erets) is much different than the one that we /
1:7 And God made the firmament, and To be firm, land, ground, the entire now know. It was in complete darkness /
divided the waters which were John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they earthly sphere. and the atmosphere was a mixture that /
under the firmament from the that worship him must worship him in could not support life. It needed the /
waters which were above the spirit and in truth. "without form and void" (tohuw bohuw) light to provide the needed energy for /
firmament: and it was so. Emptiness, void, an undistinguishable life and the atmosphere had to be re- /
1:8 And God called the firmament Acts 17:24 God that made the world and ruin. formulated in a stratification that /
Heaven. And the evening and the all things therein, seeing that he passes the light energy and provide /
morning were the second day. is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth "darkness" (choshek) the necessary gases and environment /
1:9 And god said, Let the waters not in temples made with hands; The opposite of light. for life. Even the waters would appear /
under the heaven be gathered to be in too turbulent a condition to /
together unto one place, and let Psalms 33:6-7 & 9 By the word of the "face of the deep" (paneh thom) support life. After this reformation /
the dry land appear: and it was Lord were the heavens made; and all The surface of the surging mass, sea. in which the atmosphere was separated /
so. the host of them by the breath of out and the waters divided to allow /
1:10 And God called the dry land his mouth. "Spirit of God" (ruwach elohiym) dry land to appear the earth was pro- /
Earth; and the gathering together He gathereth the waters of the sea The breath of the supreme God. erly prepared to bring forth life. /
of the waters called he Seas: and together as a heap: he layeth up the /
God saw it was good. depth in storehouses. "moved upon the face" (rachaph paneh) "Let the earth bring forth grass" /
1:11 And God said, Let the earth For he spake, and it was done; he To move about over, to flutter, to Vegetation was the first to be /
bring forth grass, the herb commanded, and it stood fast. brood over the surface, as a hen brought forth. For many centuries /
yielding seed, and the fruit tree broods over her flock. man has been in the dark about the /
yielding fruit after his kind, Psalms 104:30-33 Thou sendest forth true nature and complexity of even /
whose seed is in itself, upon thy spirit, they are created: and "light" (owr) the simplest life form and the great /
the earth: and it was so. thou renewest the face of the earth. Luminary, the illumination. miracles it took to bring them in to /
1:12 And the earth brought forth The glory of the Lord shall endure being. And only now is man beginning /
grass, and herb yielding seed for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in "that it was good" (towb) to scratch the surface and understand /
after his kind, and the tree his works. Pleasing, appealing, virtuous, that the multitude of environmental /
yielding fruit, whose seed was in He looketh on the earth, and it it was joyfully pleasing. factors that must be "just right" to /
itself, after his kind: and God trembleth: he toucheth the hills, support life as we know it. And still /
saw that it was good. and they smoke. "divided" (badal) there are many skeptics who will not /
1:13 And the evening and the morning I will sing unto the Lord as long To separate, to differentiate. study and refuse to understand the /
were the third day. as I live: I will sing praise to my true nature of this miracle. "even /
1:14 And God said, Let there be God while I have my being. "day" (yowm) to the time of the end: many shall /
lights in the firmament of the To be hot, the warm hours. Or depend- run to and fro, and knowledge shall /
heaven to divide the day from the Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of ing on context/modifiers, a period of be increased" (Daniel 12:4). /
night; and let them be for signs, him from the creation of the world time; the day light hours, or the 24 /
and for seasons, and for days, and are clearly seen, being understood by hour day, or an unspecified age (the "to divide the day from night" /
years: the things that are made, even his day/days of) space or a length of One of the difficult things to under- /
1:15 And let them be for lights in eternal power and Godhead; so that time. stand is how vegetation could grow /
the firmament of the heaven to they are without excuse. before day and night were present, /
give light upon the earth: and so "night" (laylah) but light had already existed. Either /
so was so. Jeremiah 10:12 He hath made the earth Away from the light, opposite of day. the earth did not yet rotate and /
1:16 And God made two great lights; by his power, he hath established the wobble about its axis exactly as it /
the greater light to rule the day, world by his wisdom, and he hath "evening and morning were the (#) day" does today, or the atmosphere was at /
and the lesser light to rule the stretched out the heavens by his (ereb hayah boger yowm) first translucent and not transparent /
night: he made the stars also. discretion. There was evening, to exist/be done, as it is now. The sun and moon possi- /
1:17 And God set them in the there was morning, the day ----. bly were not clearly visible as they /
firmament of the heaven to give II Corinthians 4:6 For God, who comman- are now and their light was diffused. /
light upon the earth, ded the light to shine out of dark- "firmament" (raqiya) /
1:18 And to rule over the day and ness, hath shined in out hearts, to An expanse, the atmosphere. "Let the waters bring forth abundantly" /
over the night, and to divide the give the light of the knowledge of The next to appear was water bound /
light from the darkness: and God the glory of God in the face of "divide" (badal) animal life to be followed closely by /
saw that it was good. Jesus Christ. To separate, to distinguish. the more complex fowl. The Genesis is /
1:19 And the evening and the morning definitely not a detailed biology /
were the fourth day. Psalms 136:5-9 To him that by wisdom "dry land" (yabbashah) text book since it introduces very /
1:20 And God said, Let the waters made the heavens: for his mercy Dry ground, land. broad types of life and not detailed /
bring forth abundantly the moving endureth for ever. species. /
creature that hath life, and fowl To him that stretched out the earth "grass" (deshe) /
that may fly above the earth in above the waters: for his mercy Tender sprouts, vegetation. "Let the earth bring forth the living /
the open firmament of heaven. endureth for ever. creature after his kind" /
1:21 And God created great whales, To him that made great lights: for "herb" (eseb) Next were the various forms of the /
and every living creature that his mercy endureth for ever. To glisten, to be green. more complex animals. The phrase /
moveth, which the waters brought The sun to rule by day: for his "after his kind" we take to indicate /
forth abundantly, after their mercy endureth for ever. "yielding seed" (zara zera) that the reproductive capabilities /
kind, and every winged fowl after The moon and stars to rule by Scattering seed. were as they are today with each /
his kind: and God saw it was good. night: for his mercy endureth for species being able to procreate only /
1:22 And God blessed them, saying, ever. "after his kind" (miyn) like species. /
Be fruitful, and multiply, and To portion out in kind, of like /
fill the waters in the seas, and Jeremiah 31:35 Thus saith the Lord, species. "Let us make man in our image" /
let fowl multiply in the earth. which giveth the sun for a light by Man was the "grand finale" to the /
1:23 And the evening and the morning day, and the ordinances of the moon "signs" (owth) creation saga! Many many words have /
were the fifth day. and of the stars for a light by An evidence, monument. been written concerning the phrase /
1:24 And God said, Let the earth night, which divideth the sea when "in our image". Since God is a Spirit /
bring forth the living creature the waves thereof roar; The Lord of "seasons" (mowed) this does not appear to be a physical /
after his kind, cattle, and hosts is his name: An appointed, fixed time. image. And it must include attributes /
creeping thing, and beast of the that are not possessed by the higher /
earth after his kind: and it was Psalms 8:3-9 When I consider thy "stars" (kowkab) animals. Man possesses communicative /
so. heavens, the work of thy fingers, the A blazing, shining object. skills above that of the higher /
1:25 And God made the beast of the moon and the stars, which thou hast animals. Also he has the capability /
earth after his kind, and cattle ordained; "moving creatures" (sherets) to think, reason and anticipate the /
after their kind, and every thing What is man, that thou art mindful Swarming, moving things. future. Also he has been given a free /
that creepeth upon the earth after of him? and the son of man, that thou will to make decisions concerning his /
his kind: and God saw it was good. visitest him? "life" (nephesh) behavior in matters of right or wrong. /
1:26 And God said, Let us make man For thou hast made him a little A breathing creature, soul, shared In more earthy terms, he has been /
in our image, after our likeness: lower than the angels, and hast in common by man and all living given the right to "screw up" his /
and let them have dominion over crowned him with glory and honour. breathing creatures. life, which we learn in chapter 3 /
the fish of the sea, and over the Thou madest him to have dominion ahead is exactly what he did. Also /
fowl of the air, and over the over the works of thy hands; thou "fruitful and multiply" (parah rabah) per the Scriptures, man has a /
cattle, and over all the earth, hast put all things under his feet: To grow, increase in number rapidly. spiritual nature as does God, and /
and over every creeping thing that All sheep and oxen, yea, and the thereby has the right to inherit /
creepeth upon the earth. beasts of the field; "seas" (yam) eternal life as a spirit. The latter /
1:27 So God created man in his own The fowl of the air, and the fish To roar, as the noise of the surf. being the characteristic that seem to /
image, in the image of God created of the sea, and whatsoever passeth make man the closest to God. But he /
he him: male and female created he through the paths of the seas. "creeping thing" (remes) did not retain the righteousness of /
them. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Rapidly moving creatures. God and can lose his right to eternal /
1:28 And God blessed them, and God thy name in all the earth! life through inappropriate decisions. /
said unto them, Be fruitful, and "beast" (chay) /
multiply, and replenish the earth, Isaiah 45:12 I have made the earth, and Having life, living. "dominion" /
and subdue it: and have dominion created man upon it: I, even my Man was give the task to control, /
over the fish of the sea, and over hands, have stretched out the "man" (adam) oversee, care for and improve the /
the fowl of the air, and over heavens, and all their host have I Ruddy, a human being, an individual earth. All of which he has done a /
every living thing that moveth commanded. of the human species including both rather poor job of due to his sin /
upon the earth. sexes. nature, and in fact now has the /
1:29 And God said, Behold, I have Psalms 104:13-14 He watereth the hills capability and seems at times to be /
given you every herb bearing seed, from his chambers: the earth is sat- "image" (tselem) perilously close to destroying the /
which is upon the face of all the isfied with the fruits of thy works. A likeness, a resemblance but not inhabitability of the planet. /
earth, and every tree, in the He causeth the grass to grow for an exact duplicate. /
which is the fruit of a tree the cattle, and herb for the service "every green herb for meat" /
yielding seed; to you it shall be of man: that he may bring forth food "likeness" (dmuwth) A heavenly advertisement for the /
for meat. out of the earth; Being of like fashion, resembling. vegetarian life style? More and more /
1:30 And to every beast of the doctors and scientists are discovering /
earth, and to every fowl of the Psalms 104:24-28 O Lord, how manifold "dominion" (radah) advantages of vegetation as the main /
air, and to every thing that are thy works! In wisdom hast thou To tread down, to subdue, to prevail food for man. This conclusion is also /
creepeth upon the earth, wherein made them all: the earth is full of over. possible by comparative anatomy, when /
there is life, I have given every thy riches. the teeth and jaw structure of man is /
green herb for meat: and it was So is this great and wide sea, "male" (zakar) compared to the other higher animals, /
so. wherein are things creeping innumer- As being the most noteworthy sex. it most closely compares to those /
1:31 And God saw every thing that he able, both small and great beasts. animals that are by preference veget- /
had made, and, behold, it was very There go the ships: there is that "female" (nqebah) arians and not to the meat eating /
good. And the evening and the leviathan, whom thou hast made to Having its source from the male. carnivorous animals. /
morning were the sixth day. play therein. /
These wait all upon thee; that "air" (shameh) "it was very good" /
thou mayest give them their meat in Lofty, high up. At this time the Father Creator was /
due season. very pleased with his work for evil /
That thou givest them they gather: "meat" (oklah) was not present on the planet and the /
thou openest thine hand, they are That to be consumed, eaten, food. miracle of life was indeed very /
filled with good. marvelous. /
"GOD" "firmament in the midst of the waters" /
For many people the most basic matter of contention is in whether or not This confusing terminology has been a wonder to those who have read it /
there exists a supreme eternal Being, a God. A reoccurring theme through for a long time. "divide the waters from the waters" Firmament is an /
out the Scriptures is that the creation is one of the most telling evid- expanse and most scholars recognize this as the earth's atmosphere. The /
ence that there is a supreme Intelligence. "Because that which may be prevalent theory is that the atmosphere at this time lay between the /
known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shown it unto them. For the waters on the earth and a canopy of water vapor, or possibly a heavy /
the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly cloud layer (ice crystals) in the upper atmosphere. This would indicate /
seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal a atmosphere that was more humid and probably warmer. Providing a green- /
power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" (Romans 1:20). "The house type condition all over the earth. This would greatly affect the /
heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handi- weather conditions of the earth making the conditions more uniform all /
work."(Psalms 19:1). Therefore the most powerful evidence for the supreme over the earth and the weather would be milder. This corresponds with /
God should come from the scientists. Unfortunately many of our modern fossil evidence of tropical type life found most all over the earth. /
scientists have a strong bias and do much of their research with the Most feel that this atmospheric condition continued long after the /
intent of proving that there is no God. Most would not or could not verb- the dry land was made to appear in "day" three. Fossil evidence and rock /
alize the actual reason for this strong bias. But most often it appears formations indicate that marine sediment and marine life fossils are /
that this all out effort to disprove that there is a God comes from a deep found all over the present land mass. Calculations indicate that if /
seated desire to prove that man is the supreme intelligence of this univ- the surface of the earth were more fluid and relatively smoother, the /
erse. In other words it is a pure matter of man's ego! To have a supreme existing water on the earth could cover the entire surface to a depth /
righteous God exist means that man does not have the ultimate control of 1.5 miles. /
over his destiny and that he must answer for his willful misdeeds. /
There are however, those today who will actually state that "man is god", "gathering together the waters called the seas" /
but many of these are putting on a pretense. Those who study human nature Inspection of the present land mass indicates that there has in the /
and history know that man is a very religious creature. If there is such past been many changes in the continents as there has been upward thrust- /
a thing as a truly isolated group of people, as some tribes in the remote ings and land sinkings. There has also been many changes to the surface /
jungles may appear to be, it appears that they nearly always develop a due to volcanic eruptions and flows. The main contention between those /
belief in a supreme Intelligence. Also many men who will state that they who believe in a young earth and those who believe in an older earth /
do not believe in a supreme Intelligence will later change their mind as would be with the estimates of the timing of these happenings and just /
they approach the end of their life. Also many men will just out right how long these changes occurred before life began on the earth. /
lie in their attempt to appear as an "intellectual", when deep down in /
their subconscious they know that there is a God. "Let the earth bring forth grass and herb yielding seed ...after his kind" /
The start of life on earth has long been a matter of much discussion. /
"God created the heaven" The theory of evolution is now taught as being a proven fact in most /
Many scientists have long depended on a number of forms of the "Big Bang public educational systems in the United States. The theory of evolution /
Theory" as their explanation as to how the universe came to exist in its being nearly 150 years old, the main question is has it been proven? A /
present form. This theory in simple words is that there came to exist a majority of scientists have accepted it and also many christians have /
very dense ball of energy in a space of nothingness which contained all adopted it in the form of theistic evolution. The theistic evolutionists /
of the requirements to form this universe. This sphere exploded and began believe that the Lord started the forming of the universe and then either /
rapidly expanding out and cooling and over many billions of years formed directed the evolutionary formation of life or formulated the laws of /
the existing universe. This is in contrast to the Scripture account that nature such that the processes of nature evolved the present life forms. /
the supreme Being, God, willed/commanded the universe to form. But than However, the statement "after his kind" would seem to say that each /
some creationists began to say that the scientists who expound the big created life form had the capability to reproduce only life of its species /
bang theory were in fact saying the same as the Scriptures and that this and that there is no seed for the evolutionary process to take place. /
was how the Lord directed the creation in that he willed the dense energy When Darwin published his classic "The origin of species ..." he had a /
mass to form and then he directed the expansion and formation of the univ- rather simplified knowledge of the complexity of life. Recent discoveries /
erse through the natural laws and forces that he formulated. Other scien- of DNA have shown that the seed of life is very very complex and there are /
tists have long stated that the big bang theory is possibly flawed and also many million possible combinations of the DNA molecule. To many statis- /
does not explain how the energy mass came into existence. This seems to tically inclined scientists it seems impossible that chance selection /
go counter to one of the basic laws of science that simply put says " you could generate the correct combination of the DNA to provide the species /
can't get something from nothing!". Now many scientists are beginning to that now exist and did in the past. They point out that millions of these /
discount the big bang theory and are searching for a new theory. Data from changes to the DNA would produce undesirable characteristics and most of /
some of the recent space probes has increased knowledge of one very small them would be fatal to the organism and the species. /
part of this universe and has possibly pointed out some weaknesses in the Darwin was also counting on the fossil record to verify his theory. /
existing theories, but some say the data reinforces this theory! Since his death many millions of fossils have been examined by scientists /
and there have been many pronouncements of the "missing link". But unfor- /
"In the beginning" tunately for the evolutionists most of the pronouncements have been found /
When was the beginning? Most all people have at one time or another to be false or even out right falsifications. The creationists point out /
wondered exactly when was the beginning. In fact the Scriptures do not that there should be a missing link for each jump from a lower species to /
even attempt to answer this question. It simply states that God is an a higher species. That there should be hundreds and even thousands of /
eternal Being and has always existed as a Spirit and that He thereby was "missing links", but in fact there are very few legitimate candidates for /
in existence before He formed the foundations of the universe. "Where the missing link nomination. And more and more scientists are admitting /
wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (Job 38:4) Many they have doubts about the "theory of evolution". /
christian scholars believe that the first verse is the same as saying /
" a long long time ago the Lord created the heavens and the earth". "Let there be lights in the firmament" /
They believe that the earth was originally created perfect and was Critiques have often pointed to the appearing of the lights on the fourth /
probably inhabited and controlled by the angels with satan being the chief day, after the appearance of vegetation, as evidence that the Genesis /
angel. Then satan rebelled against God and led a number of the angels in account could not be a true chronological record. But if it is assumed /
this rebellion. Then God in his wrath made the earth a ruin "without that the surface of the earth is the point of reference for the account /
form, and void" and punished the rebellious angels. Therefore what we have this record appears to be logical. Remember that the second verse refers /
described in the Genesis is the refurbishing of the planet. That the to the spirit hovering over the surface of the waters. From the point of /
actual creation of the earth was many many years ago. view of the surface, the light would be blocked by an opaque atmosphere at /
first. As the atmosphere cleared it would become translucent and light /
"Let there be light" would be able to penetrate and plants would be able to grow. As the /
The importance of light is apparent to most all mankind. The ancients atmosphere further cleared, the sun, moon and stars would now become /
often worshiped the sun for the light and warmth that it gave. Life as we visible. This would also allow the necessary energy to penetrate to allow /
know it on this earth depends upon the light for its existance. Light more complex life forms to thrive. /
appears to be transmission of pure energy packets and it still has charac- /
teristics that scientists do not fully understand. The symbolic analogy "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature" /
of light to true knowledge is known to most all men. The Lord created Day five brings the more complex life forms which begins animal life /
light, is the source of all true knowledge (light), and in the end He will form. This would seem to be in direct conformance to the clearing of the /
be the source of all light for the New Jerusalem of the believers. "And atmosphere to allow greater penetration of light. The transformation /
the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for from plant life to animal life form is an extremely large hurdle. One /
the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof." that would provide a considerable barrier for an evolutionary process that /
(Revelation 21:23) had no assistance from a higher Intelligence. For a plant to become an /
animal would require a very great miracle indeed! /
"And the evening and the morning were the ---- day." /
Some Christian scholars however contend that what is described is the "Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle /
first act of creation of the earth and its habitation and that it took and creeping thing, and beast of the earth" /
place rather recently and the miracle of the creation was performed in Day six brings the most complex forms of animal life. Theistic evolution- /
six actual 24 hour periods. They contend that the words as translated ists would possibly point out that the wording is that the earth brought /
mean exactly what the would seem to say directly. And that this is forth the life form. That the word for created is not used at this point. /
confirmed when the Lord gave the ten commandments stating "in six days the This also is true for all occurrences of plant and animal life in that the /
Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested phrasing is "let the earth bring forth". This they would indicate is /
the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed because we have a form of theistic directed evolution taking place. They /
it" (Exodus 20:11). would point out that the word "bara" (created) is used only in selected /
Scholars who believe in a creation that took place many many years ago instances. /
point out that the word translated day, "yowm", is also used in places in /
the Scriptures where it means a long time such as in the phrases "from "Let us make man in our image" /
the days of the judges that judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings Is man so much different than the rest of the life forms on earth? /
of Israel," (II Kings 23:22). The second appearance of the word "yowm" is The evolutionists would of course answer no! That man is just the evolve- /
also translated as years by some translators. Daniel also uses such a ment of animal life and that he is still animal matter and has no other /
similar poetic phrase in Daniel 8:26 to refer to a long time period. "And special characteristics other than that he has developed his communicative /
the vision of the evening and the morning which is told is true: wherefore and reasoning skills to a higher degree. That man has no spiritual form /
shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days." They also feel that after this life on earth, which ends with death, man ceases to exist. /
that the events of the sixth day which are described in chapter 2 when The theistic evolutionists, while possibly contending that man is an /
both Adam and Eve were created and Adam named all the animal species before evolutionary product, must contend with the Biblical statements that man /
Eve was created surely took more than one 24 hour period. is different for the other animal life forms. Must he assume that the /
From the words of II Peter 3:8 we know that the Lord is not confined to creator at this point intervened with the evolutionary process and gave to /
the same time constraints as man. "But, beloved be not ignorant of this man a special gift that "made him a little lower than the angels" (Psalms /
one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a 8:5)? The spiritual side of man must be accounted for in order for man /
thousand years as one day." Therefore what to us may seem as an "eternity" to be able to have an eternal spiritual nature which the Scriptures /
would appear as no time at all to the Lord. Many unbelievers cannot require. /
believe that a "loving" God would allow evil and suffering to be rampant /
on the earth for such a long time. But possibly what appears as a long "and, behold, it was very good" /
time to man is but a twinkling of an eye to the Lord. We are so confined At this point the creator is well pleased with His creation! What can /
to this earth and its time constraints that we cannot comprehend how it we conclude at this point to summarize our thoughts of the Genesis record /
would appear to the Lord. Therefore in our attempts to understand the as given in chapter one. /
creation story, why should we try to constrain the Lord to the time clock /
of the earth and man, when He is Lord over this entire expansive magnif- a) Before the universe existed, there existed a supreme Intelligence. /
icent universe. b) The supreme Intelligence determined to create a universe. /
There are however many evidences on this earth that the length of the c) He created it by His command/voice. /
habitation of earth is much shorter than the dates that some scientists d) He worked from an earth that was dark and void. /
have published in their attempt to mold the dates to their theories. For e) He brought into existance light which is necessary for habitation. /
example calculations of the rate of erosion of Niagara falls would place f) He than brought order to the surface of the earth. /
the date of origin of the falls at the mouth of the river at probably less g) He had the earth bring forth the plant life form. /
than ten thousand years. There are evidences that the level of the sea has h) He than established the heavenly lights to bring further order. /
risen and fallen large distances relatively recently in the history of i) He had the earth bring forth the animal life forms. /
earth. Many scientists choose to ignore the evidences of past great catas- j) He completed His creation with human life form. /
trophes on this planet that could have virtually destroyed all life forms k) Human life form was given control of the earth and food. /
on the earth and required it to be replenished relatively recently. The l) He blessed the earth and was well pleased with his creation. /
Mayan indians wrote of a tradition that there was a great cycle which began /
in 3113 B.C. and that will end in 2011 A.D.. Per the Mayan tradition the /
universe and its inhabitants are destroyed anew at the end of each great /